Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Ozone depletion, greenhouse effect, acid rain essays

Ozone depletion, greenhouse effect, acid rain essays Everyone knows that the atmosphere and the pollution in the world is very dangerous to everything and everyone. But how bad are these different things that affect us and everything around us? This paper will specifically look at the effects, global effect and the treatment on acid rain, the greenhouse effect and the ozone depletion. Acid rain has been around for a long time. It was first noticed around the 17 century during the industrialization period. Scientists have been paying attention to acid rain since that time and the effects it has had on the plants, animals, humans etc. Acid rain is very dangerous as most people know. First off the term is not totally correct and scientists prefer the terminology acid depositions. The reason these scientists believe that it is called acid depositions instead of acid rain is simply because the acid which was formed by pollution can in fact return to the earth as either solid or a gas and not only in the form of rain. Acid depositions can come in rain, fog or even snow. Industries, factories, vehicles, aerosol cans, etc are all causes for acid rain. This is because all of these things increase the level of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen in the air we breathe in. These chemicals will later transform into sulphuric acid as well as nitric acid which in the long run will co me down in the form of acid rain. Electric companies have to burn a lot of coal, which contains a very low amount of sulphur, in a days time which will increase the level of sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere. But the electric companies are not the only ones to blame; a lot of other companies and industries have to process raw ore (a mineral or a numerous amount of minerals which a valuable or constituent can be profitably mined or extracted) so they can obtain copper, zinc, and nickel. The problem with that is that copper, zinc, and nickel are also causes of acid rain. Most poll...

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